Smart People

I’ve stolen a small clip from one frame out of four panels of a Sluggy Freelance comic *whew!* to hint at something The 0! and his ilk know well: it doesn’t matter who you blame for a problem as long as you can pretend that “You’re dumb; I’m smart’ you’re little; I’m big…” (through the whole litany of excuses “Harry Wormwood” and “Agatha Trunchbull” used to oppress Matilda in the eponymous 1996 film–my personal fav DVD) and do something to make the problem into a “crisis” so you can “do stuff right now!” to make the crisis worse, so you can then… You get the idea. Why! Really all you have to do is pick something/someone to blame and stick with it, so why not just stick with…


(To understand the brilliance of that concept, see that August 30, 2009 Sluggy Freelance comic. Of course *evil grin and a “bwa-ha-ha-ha”* to really understand that, you’ll need to check out the whole Sluggy Freelance background, but especially noting the character of Kiki and the background of the “Zombie on a Stick”. But that’s a “whole ‘nother” set of “issues”. *heh*)

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