What is he hiding?

This photograph:


is of a decidedly different document to the one posted by The 0!’s campaign last year (second image):


Or the one relased later in the year to the leftard Factcheck.org (third image):


The first image is either a very, very good forgery or the second two are very bad ones. My gut impression is that the document in the first image is much, much more convincing than the two–very different, to each other as well as to the document in image #1–documents imaged below it.

I seriously doubt that the second two imaged documents would suffice for application for a fedgov job, or even for State-certified licensure in any number of professions, since even notarized hospital-issued birth certificates are disallowed and they carry much more information than the short form “Certification of Live Birth” (note: NOT the long form “Certificate of Live Birth” Hawaii does still issue) pictured by The 0!’s minions.

So far, he’s spent over a million dollars in legal fees to quash inquiries into simple documentation of his past–documentation nearly everyone is expected to be able to make available to any number of government offices, prospective employers, etc.

What is he hiding?

7 Replies to “What is he hiding?”

  1. I think they’ve jumped the shark with that Kenyan birth certificate. I’ve seen some pretty convincing evidence that it’s a forgery. Not like they NEEDED to gin up something like that, but now they’ve probably lost all credibility and momentum.


    1. Where’re the refutations? I ask seriously, because I’m interested in hearing both sides. I’ve seen some moonbattery arguing against the thing, and plenty of 0-bot ad hominem hand waving, but nothing probative or persuasive on the anti- side. Heck, I have yet to see/read any argument against the BC issue as a whole that’s not complete bunk or at least suspect, and The 0! is still spending big bucks to prevent revelation of ANY verifiable facts about significant portions of his life. I have seen a pretty reasonable timeline/argument here that makes some interesting points relating to the purported Kenyan birth record. While I’m not yet convinced pro or con on this particular document, too much has already come out of Kenya to just dismiss it out of hand. And why is Obama’s birth record now sealed in Kenya if there’s nothing there at all?

  2. The truth will come out someday. But my guess is that between the leftist Democrats and the MSN it won’t matter. Apparently, no court has the courage to look into the facts.

  3. Don’t recall the site David, but there was a Kenyan birth certificate on some image website, and this certificate has the same serial number, similair docotr names etc. Looked like somebody did a cut & paste job to me then aged the paper somehow.

    As if the Kenyan’s would part with the original certificate regardless!

    1. Well, I’d be interested to find the site you refer to. So far, my simple searches haven’t turned up anything like that. Not seeing the cut n paste, but perhaps my old eyes need new trifocals. As to the Kenyans releasing the docs, it seems the records of his birth have been sealed in Kenya, although why that would need to be done if something at least very like this did not exist, I can’t figure… I do note that Orly Taitz’ submission of the copy she obtained was disallowed. “There was no hearing on the merits of the motion, or of the purportedly Kenyan document; it was tossed on procedural grounds,” [emphasis added] according to a Salon report. World Net Daily (certainly no more reliable than Salon, just of a different slanted view of things) said of the Taitz document, “Last week, a counterfeit document purporting to be Obama’s Kenyan birth certificate made the rounds of the Internet, but was quickly determined to be fraudulent. The new document released by Taitz bears none of the obvious traits of a hoax.”

      Once again, no hearing on the merits or examination by a court, just like in the dismissals of most of the BC suits. The courts do NOT want to touch this issue; the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind is solidly in the tank for The 0!, so it appears the resolution of the issue will be up to private citizens. Will Taitz and others take this to authoritative examiners for evaluation, anyway and thence to the public, if it stands up to examination? Where will the $$ come from for such an effort? The 0! has already spent upwards of $1million to prevent revealing his actual BC, according to most reports. And no, the claim that CNN has made that all paper records were destroyed in 2001 and only the electronic record found reproduced in the Obama camp’s released short form COLB is NOT true, according to the Hawaii bureau of vital statistics.

      AND, in order to falsify any claim, all that’s needed is one exception. (Falsification: a basic scientific principle.) Why is this important? Because of claims that while under Hawaiian law at the time of The 0!’s birth, anyone–no matter where they were born–could submit for a COLB but no one born in another country could have been registered as born in Hawaii. All it takes is one example where this did happen to make that claim false: Sun Yat-Sen. Yep, the famous Chinese, Sun Yat-Sen, had a Hawaiian certificate of birth claiming his birthplace as Hawaii, when in fact he was born in Choyhung, Kwangtung, China.

      So, obviously, people NOT born in Hawaii could indeed have COLBs claiming they were.

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