Matt Lauer Plays Deer in the Headlights to Michelle Malkin’s Mack Truck

*heh* Lightweight libtard, Matt baby, needs someone to change his diapers after that mini-interview.

Michelle Malkin: stealth Ann Coulter with better manners and a killer smile.

7 Replies to “Matt Lauer Plays Deer in the Headlights to Michelle Malkin’s Mack Truck”

    1. Lauer found himself a lion facing a Daniel. He was outnumbered, outgunned, out smarted and out argued. He was so far outclassed, it was like watching a quadraplegic attempt to throw a punch against against Joe Louis. Lauer didn’t lay a glove on Malkin. Heck, he tripped over the ropes trying to get into the ring, fell flat on his face and knocked himself out.

      Did I mix enough metaphors to cover the situation? Well, that’s what metas are… phor.

  1. Michelle is much easier to take, but Ann is SO damn smart. Every page of her books is either a golden nugget of history our teachers left out of the curriculum, or a hilarious excoriation of America’s enemies (both foreign and domestic). She’s a national treasure.

    1. Agreed on all points, Woody (well, except the “golden nugget of history our teachers left out of the curriculum”–I was blessed with some very, very sharp history profs back in the day who encouraged independent digging into source material).

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