“If this is Tuesday… “

…well, it sure ain’t Belgium. No, what it is is this: the tail end of a whirlwind trip to (sort of) see my mom off on her trip to Israel. Glad I went to check up on her. She’d taken a fall late last week and hurt her knee but was refusing to see the doctor for fear he’d want to do something that would prevent her making her connections for her trip. *sigh* It’s in the genes. I do the same kind of thing. Fortunately, dragging her to the doctor only resulted in getting the right treatment for a swollen knee (X-Rays said no major damage) and her mind was eased. 85-year-old woman refusing to go to the doctor–NOT because she couldn’t afford to (was a $10 charge!) but for silly reasons. Hmmm, kinda like my reasons, usually. *heh*

Anywho, my dad will meet her there. Right now he’s finishing up a concert tour with a musical group in Armenia. Oldest guy in the group (by a couple of decades!). Still singing 1st Tenor. Go figure. My voice is now able to sing “second growler” (still coughing my lungs up; I’ll either live or die, and either one is fine by now *heh*), so maybe by the time I get to be his age, I’ll be able to get some of it back, should I live that long. 😉 Nicest thing aboiut this trip? Some friends of theirs paid their way. They have some good friends.

Well, that’s all I really know. My Wonder Woman’s back from her librarians’ conference, and we’re both a tad pooped. As soon as Lovely Daughter’s Family Birthday Blowout is over this evening, we’re both looking forward to some crash time.

Y’all be careful out there!

3 Replies to ““If this is Tuesday… “”

  1. Librarian’s conference? What would librarians have to confer about? Discussing new changes to the Dewey system? Maybe organizing the books by political correctness, so all non-liberal books are at the back of every library?

    1. Nah, none of that actually, Woody. Meeting authors and discussing patron needs with authors and publishers; expnding library services (my Wonder Woman’s masters is actually an IT/media degree aimed at merging and expanding traditional library functions with technological improvements in information acquisition and use, rather than just “Let’s put some-a them thar computer thingies in the lie-barry”); for the school librarians, managing administration’s apparent complete cluelessness about libraries *heh*; new laws and regulations about patron privacy, copyright, etc. (have to comply with micromanagement by the state and feds *profound sigh* somehow without sacrificing patron services). Lotsa stuff. None of it, as far as I can tell from my Wonder Woman’s reports and conference topics, having to do with libtarding libraries.

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