The 65-cent solution

Take the money and run

Here’s an idea: improve the delivery of services in so-called “public education” to the end user (the student) without raising taxes. The example below is for Missouri. Go to to check $$ in other states. Now, admittedly, simply more $$ in the classroom isn’t THE answer to better education, but less spent on administration (the biggest waste of $$ in “public schools”–administrators are typically the dumbest people around and
doing the most to obstruct teaching/learning–but that’s another issue) would be a great place to get more $$ for the classroom, IMO.

For more on improving “public education” past the “prisons for kids” situation that now exists, see:

“It’s For the Childrenâ„¢”

Sure, I posted “It’s Forthe Childrenâ„¢” on April 1, but I wasn’t kidding. While funding issues (like
those dealt with by the 65-cent solution) don’t make my top five problems that need
solving, less money on non-essential (read, mostly “Administration”) services and more
on the classroom is a big plus.

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