Blogger is well and truly screwed up

Blogger Status page says:

“Thursday, April 07, 2005 This afternoon we pushed into production a number of performance enhancements which have improved the responsiveness of the site. Additionally, we have eliminated an automated spam problem which was negatively impacting publish success rates.”

Yeh, great job. Now, about the ONLY way I can publish a darned thing is with “Hello!” or by CLICKing on the edit button in Opera, and ONLY in Opera. Let’s see… Internet Exploder can’t even FIND, and Firebird reports the login page “has no data”… Opera seems to find everything all right, but I can’t even enter standard html code, let alone use the wysiwyg editor.

Great improvements, guys! Anybody ever heard the “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” line? Well, you might have fixed something that was “broken,” but you left the rest in a shambles on the sever room floor…

Apologies for the lack of links in the post below. I guess I could go back and put them in parentheses, since blogger is NOT accepting html tags [sigh] and just tell folks to copy n paste ’em. Guess that’ll have to do until I wait out blogger’s intransigence. [profound sigh]

Oh. Well. Early to bed and all that…

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