The Sounds of Music VI

Once again, Britain’s Got Talent shows up the shallowness of American Idol. h.t. Cao.

Sure, a couple of small bobbles, but I’d gladly have used her in any choir, any musical production I’d ever directed (edit: well, except for the strictly instrumental concerts), even though she deserves a much bigger stage.

Trackposted to Blog @, The Pink Flamingo, Political Byline, CORSARI D’ITALIA, Stageleft, Right Voices, and The World According to Carl, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

2 Replies to “The Sounds of Music VI”

  1. Saw that at RT’s place. I find it pretty inspirational to see someone who most folks would take for granted come up with some incredible talent. It proves to me that we don’t know everything after all. Perhaps we really can’t make decisions about the lack of potential, or the life and death of another person… Who knows what talent some of the aborted babies would have shared with the world? Oh, that’s right, we will never know.

    1. “Who knows what talent some of the aborted babies would have shared with the world? Oh, that’s right, we will never know.”

      Indeed. One of the children murdered by abortion might even have come up with a cure for the greatest scourge of our day: Leftardism.

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