After Schiavo, it just gets easier…

Holly Lisle was right in “Killing Grandma for Fun and Profit”

You knew this was coming, didn’t you?

“Georgia Woman Being Starved and Dehydrated

“85 year-old Mae Margourik of LaGrange, Georgia, is currently being deprived of nutrition and hydration at the request of her granddaughter, Beth Gaddy. Mrs. Margourik suffered an aortic dissection 2 weeks ago and was hospitalized. Though her doctors have said that she is not terminally ill, Ms. Gaddy declared that she held medical power of attorney for Mae, and had her transferred to the LaGrange Hospice. Later investigation revealed that Ms. Gaddy did not in fact have such power of attorney. Furthermore, Mae’s Living Will provides that nutrition and hydration are to be withheld only if she is comatose or vegetative. Mae is in neither condition. Neither is her condition terminal.”

Y’all be careful out there. Especially all you grannies. It just got a lot easier for your loving grandkids to kill you with impunity.

h/t The Corner’s K.J. Lopez.

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