More questions than answers

13 things [in the world of science] that do not make sense

Michael Brooks, writing in The New Scientist, outlines 13 things that serious scientists are grappling with that are real conundrums. Baffling and contradictory-to-establish-theories data in such widely diverse areas of inquiry as

  • The placebo effect
  • The horizon problem
  • Ultra-energetic cosmic rays
  • Homeopathy
  • Dark matter

And eight other areas of inquiry that have serious scientists baffled.

With serious scientists at odds over data in such fundamental fields as the temperature of the universe (and it’s contradictory implications for the fav Big Bang theory of the origins of the universe!), it boggles the mind that eco-religionists posing as scientists and spouting nonsense get so much press from the Mass Media Podpeople’s Army.

Check it out: 13 things that do not make sense.

(h/t: Jerry Pournelle’s Current View Wednesday, 04/06/05)

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