CPAC Weekend

OK, I’ll confess. Rush Limbaugh gives me a rash. But as shallow and pompous (yes, pompous, Rush) and irritating as I find him to be, he does find an acorn every now and then. If you’re interested at all in the occasional acorn, the CNN videos (posted as ten segments) are here. Yeh, that’s another thing. Long-winded (over an hour and twenty minutes!) blowhard. Oh. Well. And heck, when he attributed words that are central to the opening statement of the Declaration of Independence to the Preamble of the Constitution, he darned near lost me with his (typically) subliterate proclamation. Blowhard.

The Android Known as Romney (not my fav politician for many reasons–among them my concern over how and when and where his battery pack is recharged) apparently “won” the “straw poll”… by showing up. Bobby Jindal, Sarah Palin and Ron Paul made respectable showings in the meaningless poll by NOT showing up. Heck, I enjoyed The Angry Chipmunk’s speech from last year rather more than Limbaugh’s peripatetic peroration this year. And Paul’s opening comments last year were more on point, and, for that matter, prophetic. (“If we continue to do what we’re doing, we’re going to have a financial crisis.”) This year, his speech: better than Rush, still an irritating chipmunk voice (yeh, yeh, I know that’s a minor quibble, except for the fact that his voice actually causes me pain–that piercing, whining tone exacerbates my tinnitus--*arrgghhh!*). His words read far, far better than they sound.

But there were some genuine high points at CPAC or me, such as this typical Newt Gingrich speech, coming in with bushels of acorns at about half the length of Rush’s bloated yak where the acorns are hard to notice amid all the bloviation.

Go to American Solutions for more information on positive steps YOU can take to avert flushing your children’s future down the toilet. The Twelve Step program suggested there isn’t as strong as simply passing The FairTax, but it’s certainly better than anything else proposed in the last quarter century.

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