Santelli’s Chicago Tea Party

As seen at Cathouse Chat:

Go watch the video (CNBC doesn’t allow embedding of the thing).

Go vote in the poll.

Money quote:

“The government’s promoting bad behavior”– Rick Santelli

Well, *duh*. What do you call the 40+ year quagmire of the “War on Poverty”? (Hint: “promoting bad behavior”) What do you call the complete disinterest in enforcing immigration law? (Hint: “promoting bad behavior”) Heck, what do you call the TSA? (Hint: “promoting bad behavior”)

THAT’S WHAT OUR GOVERNMENT DOES. That seems to be its primary job for the last few decades: promote bad behavior and punish good behavior. Anarcho-tyranny at its fedgov finest…

Trackposted to The Pink Flamingo, Rosemary’s Thoughts, , Woman Honor Thyself, Conservative Cat, Right Voices, and The World According to Carl, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

5 Replies to “Santelli’s Chicago Tea Party”

  1. What do you call the 40+ year quagmire of the “War on Poverty”? ..dont sweat doubt Hussein will usher in the 1,000 yr war on whitey now…found your link in the spam by some miracle ..thanks!..I got your stimulus right here!..!:) pffttt!

  2. We The People will be in charge before it’s all over; the people who have been paying the bill and the people’s who children have already paid way too much of a cost.

  3. It’s enough to make me want to play ostrich, or at least to get some really decent camouflage. Mark Levin recently said that to look at whether the Constitution permits this or that is as bad as tilting at windmills with a liberal Congress, a liberal President, and worse a liberal federal bench.

    The damage is likely to be permanent. It may well be time to engage in a little bad behavior ourselves. If that’s what the government rewards, we might as well.

    In the previous hey-day of the liberals, they burned draft cards and bras. Maybe we should start with burning our W2s and 1040s. Or maybe we should just take all of our money out of our bank accounts in ones and use it to heat our homes. That’s all it’s going to be worth soon.

  4. As you mention in another post, our government’s been promoting bad behavior in so many areas as to make me come to one conclusion, they sucks dead bunnies through a straw…

  5. Yeh, TF, but first they kill ONLY the productive bunnies who’re minding their own business, THEN they suck ’em through a straw, siphon off the good parts and spew the rest out for consumption by their plantation slaves (and overseers).

    Perri, Nah, why burn our money. Oughta burn (urm, metaphorically? In effigy? In constant, neverending stings? Now, that’d really burn…) the politicians who’re screwing with our money.

    Jana, the Sheeple have mindlessly turned the country over to the wolves (“A nation of sheep will surely beget a government of wolves,” as someone once said… ). That’s the problem with advancing democracy. See the quote in my blog title…

    Angel, sorry, but you’re wrong on that one. 1,000 years? Nah, if The One and his partners in crime do have it their way, my grandchildren won’t know what “America” was. It’ll be the New Caliphate or Aztlan or some other such abomination.

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