“The Death of Conservatism”?

I’ve got news for John Cole: it’s years and years too late. What? Exhume the corpse of conservatism and proclaim it dead?

John Cole breathless ly asks in the aftermath of our congresscritters’ involvement in the Terri Schiavo situation, “How far will they go to kill conservatism?” Newsflash, John: they’re just beating a dead horse.

I’ve watched so-called conservatives (and even more sneaky, disingenuous, fake “Liberals” and damned lying bastard “Moderates”) for years and can say unequivocally that the remaining members of ANY species of genuinely conservative, liberal or moderate politicians amounts to just about enough to fill a one-stall public toilet. Almost.

The substantive difference between Republicans and Democrats? The Democrats are determined to run the country off a precipice at 90mph. The republicans are aimed at the same cliff, just poking along at a relatively sedate 70mph (used to be about 45-50mph, but they’re picking up steam).

Or, as a 19th Century Reformed theologian said, in speaking of social conservatives and liberals,

“American conservatism is merely the shadow that follows Radicalism as it moves forward towards perdition…It is worthless because it is the conservatism of expediency only, and not of sturdy principle.” –R. L. Dabney

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