Windows Live? DOA @twc

Well, not quite dead on arrival, just not all that welcome, standing out in the cold and rain catching its death of a cold… *heh*

OK, OK, for purposes of testing ONLY I’ll install some of the “Windows Live” apps on this Win7 beta drive. Given ALL my past experiences with Microsoft’s treatment of email (well, not quite all; Outlook 98 wasn’t half bad), I wasn’t real eager to dump WL Mail onto this computer. I’m sure not using it for important email, though I’ll configure YPops to download mail from my “mostly junk” yahoo email account using WL Mail.

:: Check that/update ::

No, I rethought the “I’ll use Ypops/Yahoo account” thing. A Gmail account I don’t use much, instead. Only has about 4,000 messages to import, so should be an average test…

Back again. Took about a minute to import the nearly 4,000 messages. Easy-peasy setup of the email account, easier than Vista’s Windows Mail by a tad. Crappy default display of mail, have to fiddle with that. Not bad, but certainly not to my taste. I’ll see how it handles import/export of various contact files, mail, etc. and how easy (or not) filtering is. May be Good Enough for most folks, though.

:: Update/off ::

The other apps–Silverlight, Movie Maker beta, Photo Studio–all have perfectly good replacements from third parties, but I’ll try out the current iterations anyway, just to be fair.

If they install. That’s going to be the ticklish thing: will the WL apps that MS left out of Win7 install on the beta? We’ll see.

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