Courage or Idiocy?

You be the judge

Riehl World View is helping publicize some folks campaigning to raise awareness (and money, of course) of the dread scpourge, IDD—Intellect Deficit Disorder. Indeed, some well-known people are courageously (???) putting their names, faces and personal battles with this disorder in the public eye in aid of

… a grass roots organization funded in part by the DNC to reach out to dumb people everywhere.

“It is no fun being stupid,” said Boxer at a recent IDD kick-off event. “I’ve kept quiet long enough and it’s time I began to share my own struggle with this terrible disorder in hopes of helping others to cope with its debilitating effects.”

May I humbly suggest you do everything you can to aid those with IDD, starting with a visit to Riehl World View to read the World Exclusive Storyâ„¢, “Please Help Fight IDD: America’s New Epidemic” there.

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