Weblog Awards and Other Stuff

I only partake in such as friends or blogs I appreciate are nominated (heck, I’ve even scrubbed technorati and TTLB from twc). Angel’s a participant(go on, y’all, give her some votes, ‘K?), and I’ve tried to faithfully, daily vote for her (sorry for a coupla misses, gal). Another worthy nominee, in the category of Best Comic Strip, is Medium-Large, and here’s one reason why:


And here’s another (h.t. Lovely Daughter):

Good stuff, Maynard.

Oh, OK, since I said it, I may as well post the thing. Some of y’all are old enough that this pretty much passed you by, unless your children mentioned it to you (I never saw it when it aired–was too busy working, but it percolated into my set of 80s memes anyway).

2 Replies to “Weblog Awards and Other Stuff”

  1. Yeh, me too. The “Good stuff, Maynard” line and the bear are the two highlights. The didactic, “Here are the selling points” dadtalk was dim.

    Ya know… I used some malt-o-meal in making a molasses beer last year, just to add a lil malting. Worked. Wasn’t the best beer I’ve brewed, but was (just barely) more drinkable than the stuff the major breweries pour out of a horse. Barely.

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