Beer, good; TV, bad

I halfway kinda wanted to see the weird cop show, “Life,” last night, but only halfway, kinda. Instead, I spent the hour bottling a little over three gallons of Georgy Porgy Molasses Beer using about half and half screwtop 12oz bottles and 12oz bottles capped with my shiny new bottle capper.

Yeh, yeh, I know: recycling screwtop bottle caps on screwtop bottles is supposed to be a no-no, but I’ve had no problem even with the over-carbonated hard apple cider bottles, so I figured, why not? Admittedly, new bottle caps on non-screwtop bottles is faster, slicker, but since I have about a peck of reusable screwtop bottle caps and BOXES of the bottles to go with ’em, why not?

Still, I have to admit, the Sam Adams and New Belgium bottles are much nicer than the Red Killian (and other) screwtop bottles. But I also hope to be turning some of those into glasses in coming months.

Oh, I did bottle 51+oz in two sparkling grape (non-alcoholic) bottles left over from my Wonder Woman’s holiday sipping (yes, she shared). I’ll have to pour those in two glasses apiece, but Son&Heir will help out there, I’m sure.

Tomorrow evening, I need to bottle a couple of gallons of “Canadian Draft” brew. That I’ll bottle in some empty Grolsch swingtops, 16oz per bottle. I’ve found those seal well enough that I can drink ’em in two separate 8oz glasses, with some hours between, if I desire, with no loss of flavor or carbonation I can detect.

Next? Some lager, some more W(h)ine (still have about half a gallon of the last batch left) and another couple of batches of molasses or other beers. Maybe some strawberry w(h)ine or something even weirder. I won’t run out of bottles, because between Son&Heir and I, we manage about 28oz-32oz per day of the beers, less of the cider and w(h)ine. *huh*? Yep. Don’t drink much. Sometimes it’s less, cos he doesn’t have a beer every day (wise, Grasshopper, wise), and I only have one to two per day max. Of course, sometimes that’s one 16oz beer or two 12oz beers OR one 12oz cider (the cider seesm to be about 2X the alcohol content, on average, of the beers, measured by taste and effect on me–I don’t have a hydrometer that’s calibrated to measure alcohol content… yet).

All-in-all, a fun and tasty (and cheap) amusement that adds some health benefits to my daily diet.

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20 Replies to “Beer, good; TV, bad”

  1. Sounds tasty, even if I drink at less than half the rate of your Son&Heir.

    It looks like I’ve got some catching up to do. Besides it sounds like I’m going to have to save quite a few bottles. πŸ™‚

  2. Perri,

    “One to two beers a day” is the amount I see cited most often as beneficial to the health of men past 40. (I take the “one beer” to=12oz, given that’s the most common bottle/can size.) For younger men, 2-3 beers a week is what I see cited most often as having optimum health benefits. Most of the health benefits credited to light-to-moderate beer drinking are for heart/circulation and prostate health. The “brain cell growth stimulation” thing is still in the research phase, but the amounts there equal about 1-2 beers a day. Add that to my religious use of coffee, and I may be able to stem the tide of advancing senility to some degree. *heh*

    Re: advancing senility–Maybe I ought to play more chess as well. I sure ought to play my horn(s) more often and write more music (while I can still hear the stuff :-)).

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  4. Hey there. So that’s what you’ve been up to. Hmm. Strawberry? How far back in them there woods do ya live? Why don’t ya just throw back some of that there gin? Tangeray. Ah. Those were the days. Been dry since 1987. Best for everyone. lol

  5. Rosemary,

    Never liked the taste of gin; besides, it has way too high an alcohol content for my uses (as does any distilled drink) and none of the health benefits I get from beer. I’ll admit that the w(h)ine and cider I’ve been making are both higher alcohol content than the beer I’ve been brewing, have fewer of the healthful contents (though each has its own healthful ingredients of different kinds) I brew/drink beer for, and so the w(h)ine and cider will get less play in my brewing/drinking.

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