BHOs: Security Risks?

I’m getting confused. I always kinda thought of BHOs as potential security risks, things to be watched carefully and often blocked. Now that November 4 is approaching, I thought to myself, “Self, better check up on what the Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind is chanting,” so I have done so, and it seems they’re all chanting, “BHO will save us.”

Can that be right?

I’m soooo confused. Unconfuse me, will ya?


In other not-so-news, our TVs had a problem last night. Seems Fox, NationalBarackChannel and CentralBarackSystem (I assume; CBS–all “See BS” all the time–hasn’t been tuned in here at twc central since Rathergate) were all “snow” for about an hour last night. Wonder why? *heh*

Trackposted to The Pink Flamingo, Rosemary’s Thoughts, Allie is Wired, Democrat=Socialist, The World According to Carl, and Shadowscope, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

6 Replies to “BHOs: Security Risks?”

  1. 1. Confusion: You are not confused. You are being lied to while the rest of the ‘useful idiots’ are being indoctrinated.

    2. Snowy TV: Good timing. 😉

  2. I don’t generally watch the snow job they call news on those channels. In fact, pretty much the only time I watch one of those networks is for a new episode of “House” or to watch the NFL.

  3. Yeh, well, Perri, I don’t exactly watch ’em (Hivemind Propaganda), but I do find transcripts of things to read in the ‘net. Know thy enemy.

    New episodes of “House” are some improvement over many of last season’s episodes, IMO. “Chuck” is fun, in a sort of “Man From Uncle” vein. And the Walter Bishop character in “Fringe” makes the show for me (the rest of the show is teetering on the edge of lame, but the Walter Bishop character keeps it juuuuust teetering instead of falling into the abyss–watching the thing attempt to jump off the cliff every week but being held juuuust on this edge of sanity by the crazy guy’s food cravings or whatever is a little fun *heh* The voices in my head vote to watch it every week.)

  4. I’d much rather read news than watch it on television anyway. None of the news programs are anything more than headlines and brief summaries.

    Come to think of it, we seem to like “Fringe” for pretty much the same reason… And my wife seems to like this season’s “House” less than last season’s for some reason… Tuesday’s episode in particular turned her off… but then she loves the liberalization of “Army Wives” too.

    — gah — I can’t believe I’m actually watching some of these shows — I used to confine my television to science, history and cartoons.

  5. “science, history and cartoons”

    Yeh, me too (with some of the OLD Dr. Who and Jeremy Brett Sherlock Holmes thrown in), but nowadays, the “science” programs are likely to be junk science, the “history” programs little more than Hivemind-influenced conspiracy theory propaganda and the cartoons just trash.


    Moi? More often than not, read a book. Even escapist stuff like the Wen Spencer “Uriah Orego”n stuff I’m reading now (as in, RIGHT now, between reading/commenting on blogposts *heh*) beats the snot out of ANYTHING currently run in TV fiction. And Wen Spencer doesn’t exactly do much heavy lifting on the fiction front. Not that that’s a bad thing. “Literature” from the early 20th century on is usually genuinely “suckitudinous” fiction (see Holly Lisle’s definitive essay on the topic).

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