“Stupid Racists for Obama”

I’d heard about this, but I found the video over at Woody’s Place (actually, it’s just an audio with a pic of Howard Stern).

There you go folks. A significant portion of The Obamassiah’s support is… stupid people who’re voting for him just because he’s black. IOW, Dumbass racists.

Who’d-a thunk it, eh?

2 Replies to ““Stupid Racists for Obama””

  1. From a little poll on the front page of the Houston Comical this morning-

    For Obama by education-
    Didn’t finish high school- 79.1%

    By income-
    Less than $25,000- 78.4%

    By ethnicity- Black- 92.5%

    Enuf said-

    BTW started the blog back up.

  2. Oh, my gawd, Diane done good!

    Now for the reason I came here @10:30 AM (local): (Most of my posts are usually around mid-night.)


    Just heard on FNC that a FL TV station has been banned by the Hussein Obambo – “Brain Dead” Biden campaign.


    The reporter axed Brain Dead Biden A question about Obambo’s socialism claims.

    How dare a local reporter ask such a question???

    [If she were here in the UpState, I’d take her out & buy her a beer — might even pay for her supper! ;)]

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