Trout in the Milk?

Of course, circumstantial evidence isn’t equivalent with being caught red-handed, but if there’s a trout in the milk, one may be safe in assuming the milk’s been adulterated, eh?

I’ve noted before that The Obamassiah’s long alliances (not mere association) with communists, terrorists and folks who express open hated of America are obvious disqualifiers for any public office, let alone the presidency, but that’s all in the past, as he might say: some guy he knew when he was a youth (whom he has described as greatly influential on his own belief/value system); another guy he saw around in his neighborhood (who got him his first big-time job out of law school and to whom he funneled millions of dollars for his radical “education” initiatives); some preacher (who was The One’s pastor for 20+ years and whom The One described as his spiritual mentor), some “community group” he’s had dealings with in the past (ACORN–the bigtime vote fraud group, a subsidiary of which the Obama campaign has paid $800,000 for “get out the vote” efforts).

All in the past. Nothing to do with now or future plans, right?

But there’s a trout in the milk, folks. Every single solitary proposal that is a constant amid the forest of Obama hand-waving is right out of the Frank Marshall Davis/Jeremiah Wright/William Ayers playbook. If all these people who were identified as Obama himself as influencing his values, with whom he worked for years are not still influencing his policies and procedures, then why does everything he proposes sound like and agree with their viewpoints?

Just wondering if we can catch and fry up that trout…

Hammer away on the theme articulated by Dick Morris:

“Rezko was his financial adviser, Wright was his spiritual adviser, and the guy who gave him his first job used to blow up government buildings.”

Trackposted to Mark My Words, , , Faultline USA, The World According to Carl, DragonLady’s World, Shadowscope, The Pink Flamingo, Cao’s Blog, Democrat=Socialist, Dumb Ox Daily News, and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

6 Replies to “Trout in the Milk?”

  1. Well, yes, Nuke. It does. But. I’m still uncomfortable with the third term (“the guy who gave him his first job”), as Ayers got him his first real job out of law school–The One was employed earlier as a “community organizer” a/k/a, rabble rouser.

  2. That quote from Morris is pure gold.

    Not that it would do any good. We could have video of Obama putting live babies into a blender and it wouldn’t change any votes. People are freaking out over the economy and they want someone to promise them free money.

    My mother used to be somewhat Republican leaning. Then she had a big heart operation. Afterwards she didn’t feel like working anymore. I know she can’t lift much weight, but I’m sure she could have found SOME employment. No, she just sits in her apartment knitting and gaining weight while her attorney tries to get her SS benefits approved so she can keep laying around. Guess who she’s all excited to vote for this year? Obama.

    I want my free stuff!!! Gimme.

  3. Woody, although MCWhatsisname seems intent on losing the election by letting his ostensible opponent off all the hooks The One’s entangled himself on, there is still hope. I made the “health care policies” argument (that I make above in, “Who Are You Voting FOR?”) to a young professional who’s in social work and blew that young social worker’s lil mind… and seem to have won a convert away FROM the Obamassiah in the process. Others–including a black man I ran into in a McDonald’s, of all places, on a Turnpike stop during a recent trip–have been surprised when I ingenuously asked them what Obama had acomplished so far in life… and they were unable to cite anything that impressed themselves.

    It’s going to take an army of iconoclasts and stubborn realists arguing facts in the face of truly empty rhetoric to win this one for McWHatsisname, though, since he seems entirely unwilling to make the effort to make the Straight Talk Express a reality.


    But I’ll still cast my vote for Palin and MCWhatsisname come November. And pray for inclement weather so the welfare queens won’t want to get out and vote for promises of yet more government largesse.

  4. Woody, “welfare queens” can apply equally well to most government employees nowadays, as well. After all, most government employees are simply there to get a check for making citizens’ lives hell. Pournelle’s Iron Law of Bureaucracy working in conjunction with Sam Francis’ principle of anarcho-tyranny pretty well assures that. So, your mom has plenty of company…

    (Just take a walk through the Constitution. Any government program that is not SPECIFICALLY authorized by Constitutional mandate has about a 99.9999% chance of being illegitimate, and any persons reaping financial rewards from such prograqms are welfare queens in my book. Heck, I’d eliminate the franchise for ANY persons–save active duty and retired military–who recieve federal funds. Yes, that would include Social Security recipients. The AARP is entirely too influential–and I say that as someone who is very close to qualifying for the opportunity to rip younger workers like my own children off by getting on the Social Security dole.)

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