Lefty Reasoning?

Let’s see if I can come up with an understanding of leftist reasoning…

Nobody is better than Obama!
Palin is nobody.
Therefore… Palin is better than Obama?



(OK, OK, so it’s an equivocation, but it’s still sounder reasoning than anything I’ve heard from lefties recently on the subject, even though it does include the “Palin is nobody” falsehood. And at least I constructed it knowing it was based on a fallacy, and I admitted it, two steps better what’s been bruited about by lefties running scared.)

4 Replies to “Lefty Reasoning?”

  1. Reasoning and Left in the same sentence? What’s reasoning got to do with anything? Decisions are best made by emotions and our science of ForTheChildren-ology. Reasoning is so right-wing…

    PS> Thanks for helping out with my troll. What is it about me that attracts these people? It’s the caricature isn’t it? They don’t take me seriously since I look like a cartoon. Oh well.

  2. “Reasons that Reason does not know… ”

    They all “think” with their chakras (or is that kimchis? *heh*) or some such, I suppose.

    Troll? What troll? All I saw at your place was some poor waif who’d crawled out of a box under a bridge, after sleeping through the first four decades of their existence there. Oh, that troll.

    What?!?! You’re not a cartoon? Who knew…


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