The Feds give me a rash

It wouldn’t be so bad, I guess, if they did their legitimate work competently

The problem is, apart from armed forces personnel on the ground, most arms of the federal government are a waste of good, otherwise breathable (until it passes through the various orifices of the fedgov) air.

Case in point: Michelle Malkin’s blogpost yesterday.

By Michelle Malkin · January 26, 2005 07:16 AM

[her latest column] exposes how our behemoth, $34 billion Department of Homeland Security sent a green card approval notice on Jan. 15, 2005 to Mr. Eugueni Kniazev (pronounced Yev-GEN-nee Kuh-NEH-zev), who was murdered at the World Trade Center on that unforgettable day the towers collapsed.

Oh, those wacky guys n gals at DHS! What a jape! Not only do they send out an approval for a Green Card to a family who lost a loved on at the WTC on 9/11, but they are apparently doing absolutely nothing to correct the procedures that led to this gaff:

A Department of Homeland Security spokesman told me [Malkin] it’s up to family members to notify the government when an applicant dies. “It’s unfortunate,” he said, but there is no mechanism in place to prevent this from happening again.

What’s that? Just don’t give a flip that they’re sending out approvals for green cards to dead people? So what if someone gets one of these approval letters and usues it to become “legal”. Surely that’s not a security hole the Department of Homeland Security (Department of hack Socialists? Department of Ham-handed Sucker-bait? What?) ought to plug. Of course not!

Your tax dollars at work? DHS doesn’t seem to be working, if this is any example.

And it is.

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