Zeros With The Rims Kicked Off

Those of y’all who have avoided watching the Circus in Denver in favor of searching for meaningful content w/o bubbleheads (Mass Media Podpeople) to yammer in your ears, telling you what you just heard, you need read no further.

But for those of y’all who’ve been watching the speeches so far performed at the Dhimmicrappic Convention, let me throw down a challenge : Go read a few (sample 1, sample 2, sample 3) and note any content of substance. Any.

Back now? That was easy, wasn’t it? Didn’t find any substance did you? Lots of soap bubbles and pipe dreams covered over by moderately competent public speaking (which passes for “stirring” and “inspiring” with a public brought up on pap), “sound and fury, signifying nothing.”

IOW, more of the same old same old political bullshit.

I can hardly wait for more of the same from the Repugnican’t Convention.


Trackposted to Rosemary’s Thoughts, Political Byline, Allie is Wired, The World According to Carl, Shadowscope, The Pink Flamingo, Cao’s Blog, Leaning Straight Up, , Democrat=Socialist, Right Voices, and Pursuing Holiness, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

4 Replies to “Zeros With The Rims Kicked Off”

  1. Obama’s speech was entirely predictable (and its content was in fact predicted). The Republicans haven’t even had theirs yet, but Sarah Palin’s already said something in accepting the Vice Presidential nomination that I really liked.

    “Thanks, but no thanks on that bridge to nowhere”

  2. Hear, hear! Give that man a cigar! 😉

    She said several things I liked. There was no hesitation or question as to whether or not they were going to allow their fifth child to live. She hunts, she fishes, she plays sports as well as teaches them, she doesn’t sit back and wait for others to do what needs to be done, she’s a go-getter. Her nickname in school was Sara Bara-cuda! She has brains. She was mayor for 8 years, and her town now has many jobs where there were none before. She’s been a Governor for two years, and much more.

  3. Yeh, Perri, good comment from Palin. In fact, she used her office to re-route the fedcash to appropriate infrastructure spending. Better than just a sound bite.

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