Opera fanblog

Simply the best browsing experience…


Yeh, I do use Firefox to post here, but that’s darned near the only thing I use Firefox for.

Opera is really that much better for most web browsing. Firefox is still too clunky and uncustomizable for me. (Now, if customizing Firefox disn’t DEMAND a new plugin for every damned [BTW, not “profane” just a comment upon the curséd lameness of Mozilla software developers –heh] itty bitty thing I wanted to change/add and if I could move the curséd tabs to the bottom of my screen and if I could open a new tab as easily as in Opera, and… etc. )

But even Opera needs help, sometimes. And that’s another thing I like about it. Microsoft is useless in supporting Internet Exploder. Mozilla “support” is a mess. The Opera support site is rich with discussion groups, techies, external links, etc. Nice place.

And then they offered me another (free) place to bloviate.

What great folks!


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