A Reason for Obamamania? Perhaps…

Reading a compilation of Howard L. Myers stories recently, I can across a comment that may explain part of the Obamamania that otherwise inexplicably dominates some portions of our society. It can’t be the whole reason, but it implies at least part of the cause(s). From “All Around the Universe” this lil gem:

I chuckled at the memory of old Uncle Buxton. When he talked, his tongue wagged his brain! By which I think I mean his brain was foolish enough to believe what his tongue said.

“…his brain was foolish enough to believe what his tongue said.” Hmmm, folks who believe three or four foolish things before their feet even hit the floor in the morning would have no problems with letting themselves believe the empty and often downright evil balderdash Obama spouts.

For that matter, perhaps Obama has sold himself his own bill of goods. Sincerity is hard to fake convincingly, but once you have that down, nearly anything is possible.

Then again, both Dhimmicrappic and Repugnican’t voters seen bent on embracing fantastic lies, idiocies and slanders of reality from their candidates, nowadays.

Is there no force willing to resist against the fall of night?

Guess not.


One Reply to “A Reason for Obamamania? Perhaps…”

  1. Well, as Pogo said, it is us. We threw away good people like Tancredo, Hunter, and Romney for crazy Ole McCain.

    In the meantime, the Democrats went all the way PC and socalist.

    We danced to the horsesh** politicans’ songs, now time to pay the piper.

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