On Weasel Words

Mark Steyn, the otherwise clear thinker who’s under legal attack by Muslims for happening to notice that Islam is not exactly the “religion of peace” its disingenuous defenders claim, has also come under (just, IMO) attack from others for distinguishing between “Islamists” and so-called “ordinary Muslims.”

Just so we’re clear here, I do appreciate Steyn’s attempts to realistically note the clear danger Islam poses to the West (most particularly via the West’s increasing embrace of the suicidal tendency to kowtow to inferior cultures), but I agree with his detracters’ assertions that embracing the term “Islamist” give cover to the practice of al-taqiya–so-called “holy deception” by Muslims as practiced against the “dar al harb“–by Muslims who are no more peaceful than the terrorists they provide with aid and comfort.

Nor do I agree that the masses of Muslims who appear to be peaceful (whether simply because they do not happen to be genuine followers of the Prophet of hate, mass murder, rape, pillage, etc. or because they simply have not yet had opportunity to kill the kafirs) are not supporters of their terrorist brethren. As long as they begin their Islamic new year celebrating the murder of over 900 Jewish men and the rape, enslaving and pillage of their wives, children and goods, NO MUslim is anything BUT a supporter of terrorism.

Frankly, I don’t see why “ordinary Muslims” should get a bye just because they are dishonest.

And that brings me to one of my favorite quotes, taken from The Weapon, by Michael Z. Williamson,

I don’t care what the historians have to say about Lenin, the “Irish Republican Army” (which was neither Irish, Republican, nor an army), Hamas, al Qaeda… or any other group of thugs in history, or those running around now. They attack civilians to create terror, to force a government to yield. They do not attack politicians directly, or soldiers or cops. They attack civilians “because they have no choice” (and because their penises are too small for real fights and they lack the intelligence to stage real revolutions)…

[Their terrorist acts are] never their fault, of course. It’s the fault of anyone who won’t give them money, agree with their brand of extremism, and worship God in their fashion. Aren’t you ashamed of yourself for causing so much anguish?

The Weapon

The Weapon

Make the connection yourself.

As for me, I make no distinction between “Muslim,” “Islamist” and “Islamic terrorist” because even the common, ordinary, run of the mill pseudo-“peaceful” Muslim venerates the hate-mongering terrorist founder of Islam, Mohammed, The Butcher of Medina.

Just a thought from the starboard side of the Mothership, Planet Earth…

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12 Replies to “On Weasel Words”

  1. Pingback: Right Truth
  2. Pingback: Cao's Blog
  3. Pingback: Conservative Cat
  4. Pingback: Shadowscope
  5. I agree with you. Islam is an ideology that is statist, exclusive, and uses violence to achieve those ends.

    It is much like communism, except that it covers it women and has an even worse economic program.

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