Mike Huckabee Jumps the Shark

He has nowhere to go now but down in the esteem of anyone who cares for liberty and freedom and personal responsibility–you know, the values bequeathed us by the Founders (yeh, those archaic, completely outdated concepts *sigh*). Anything else he says pretending to support liberty is now revealed as a sham.

Huckabee Calls for National Smoking Ban in Public Places

Now, smoking is a nasty habit. I don’t smoke and neither does anyone in my imediate family or circle of friends, but ghetto-izing smokers as Huckabee and other nanny-staters want to do is morally wrong. Shame on you, Mike Huckabee!

Trackposted to Perri Nelson’s Website, Blog @ MoreWhat.com, Rosemary’s Thoughts, DeMediacratic Nation, Adam’s Blog, The World According to Carl, Blue Star Chronicles, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Leaning Straight Up, The Bullwinkle Blog, Cao’s Blog, CommonSenseAmerica, Right Voices, and Church and State, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

12 Replies to “Mike Huckabee Jumps the Shark”

  1. AMEN. I do smoke, and there is a reason for this.

    About 10 years ago, 8 of my friends were murdered, my bank acct. was broken into, more stuff, and I am an ex-acoholic. It was either pick up drink-which ain’t gonna happen-or smoke again.

    Now I won’t quit because of damn fools such this. Did I try to quit again? Yes. Made it, too. Well, for 8 hours. lol. Sometimes even a few days. Then I’d hear people get on their high horse and that’s all it took.

    Huckabee, you almost fooled me with the sales tax (fair tax). GO TO HADES. Ugh.

  2. David, we probably gonna part ways on this one.

    Ever hear of the idea of “Jump & Fly?”

    Seems “YOU” & some of your “other” cohorts “Jumped to a Conclusion” & “Flew Off the Handle” on this one.

    If someone can point to a Huckabee quote to prove me wrong, please do so. (Kinda surprised you were so “relaxed” on this one, David.)

    RE: the video I saw with Huckabee & Matthews:

    I DID NOT hear Huckabee “say” — ALL ***public places!!!***

    What I heard was “all places people work!”

    Perhaps only a nuance, but me thinks that’s a “world of difference” from *all public places* ???

    Did you folks hear something differently than I did???

    Hugh, I think you missed several implications of the Huckabee comments.

    1.) The Fedgov has NO constitutional authority to propose any such nationwide smoking ban in the workplace. Any politician *spit* who proposes such a nationwide ban under fedgov rule is anti-constitutional. Any soi-disant “conservative” who makes such a proposal is revealed as a fake.
    2.) A nationwide ban “all places people work.” I’ll give you 99-1 odds how a “feddle gummint” bureaucrappy will interpet that. ANy place people work? Why, are you aware how many folks work outside? How many folks work… at home? Or in or around private homes? Heck, if you have someone clean your pool, some bureaucrap will be able to make you a criminal if you smoke around them. Let alone how many folks work in places where smoking goes naturally with activities associated with the last “nationwide ban” on a recreational substance? Yeh. The Prohibition worked so very well, didn’t it? Why, for one thing, it gave politicians *spit* and bureaucraps a way to poke their noses into many formerly-forbidden areas of private endeavor.

    Already, nanny state busybodies are coming down on folks smoking in their own homes or yards if a neighbor complains!

    Yes, STACLU’s post topic and representation of the Huckabee comment was a bit yellow sheet, but it’s not “slippery slope” reasoning to simply be able to see the plain implications of this stance, and it’s none of the fedgov’s business in any case.

    The only people who can possibly give Huckabee a walk on this are those who refuse to consistently hold to the Framers’ concept of liberty. It’s nothing short of an unconstitutional foray into an intrusive, Big Brother micromanagement of individuals’ lives.

  3. Dear HTH,

    Did you ever hear of, ‘Liberty’? That means I can set up my business any damn way I want without the government telling me what (where, how, and all that other crap that they obliviously already do) to do! I shall not bend, nor be fooled, by a play on words. Sorry. My principles do bend like most peoples do. I want someone for president who will OBEY the Constitution, understand and remember the Declaration of Independence, and keep his/her word. Is that really too much to ask? I think not…oh yeah, I also want them to at least an Econ 101 education!

  4. hiya David~!…not sure where I stand on this one..a bit conflicted I must admit…….sigh…thanks for droppin by ..fished u out with great joy as always! 🙂

  5. Angel,

    “First they came for the smokers… ”


    It’s not a matter of personal taste or even health (the miniscule portion of the population that is genuinely affected negatively by second hand smoke is no reason to discriminate against a wider population of smokers–99% of the “second hand smoke” flap is just… smoke and missors–pseudo-scientific lies); it’s a matter of liberty. And as I pointed out in response to Hugh, it’s both not the fedgov’s legitimate business AND an avenue for intrusion into all areas of the lives of smokers and suspected smokers!

    Big Brother would be dancing on Sam Adams’ (and the other Founders’) grave(s)… just as he does every time a TSA goon, politician, federal LEO or bureaucrat threatens to bring charges of maiestas against a citizen.

    Giving citizens-become-subjects one more bit of rope wherewith to aid our Masters in hanging the Republic. That’s what proposals like Huckabee’s are really all about.

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