T-13, 1.39: Thirteen Things About My Children

My children are adults, now. The following thirteen things I admire in them/like about them are no doubt due more to my Wonder Woman’s influence than mine (I can think of a very few things I find a tad troubling in their characters that I associate with traits of mine–*heh*), but that only enhances my pride in how they have approached adulthood.

They are each, in their own manners,

1. Trustworthy

2. Loyal

3. Helpful

4. Friendly

5. Courteous

6. Kind

7. Obedient

8. Cheerful

9. Thrifty

10. Brave

11. Clean

12 Reverent

13. Playful

Yeh, so the last one isn’t in the “Boy Scout Law” but then neither of them were ever into scouting at all (heck, I’m surprised I could recall “the list” :-)), and they just “picked [these traits] up”–no doubt, as I said, from their mother.

They are more than this laundry list of traits, of course: smart, funny, insightful, and even at times wise–and more, still.

I am blessed to have the priviledge of having them call me “Dad”.

Pegged at the Thursday Thirteen Hub

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