T 13, 1.38: Just Stuff

No theme, just semi-random pseudo chaos.

1.) Freon. Betcha dollars to donuts all the brouhaha was just cos Dupont’s patent had run out. Whadda ya wanna bet?

2.) The world is too much with me. Connectivity is sometimes too much. No more cell phones for me.

3.) Mighty Hunter (Buttons–our son’s dog that nearly died last year) apparently spent all day barking at a

4.) squirrel up our sycamores–although why a squirrel would find our sycamores interesting I dunno. Probably just messin’ with the dogs’ heads.

5.) Did I say it’s hot here? About 103F today, at one point.

6.) Decided I need to put an awning over the upper deck. Got two support posts attached. Needed about a gallon of water.

7.) As of around 10:00 a.m. Wednesday America’s Third World Countyâ„¢ now has a “four-lane” extending through the whole county… *sigh* Well, except for a couple of short transition points where lanes are restricted while folks are being retrained to take the new road.

8.) And about 13 more traffic lights than a decade ago (when there were… none).

9.) I try reading newspapers and just can’t get past the crappy grammar and misused words, nowadays. OK, I can ignore it on most blogs (including sometimes my own–*LOL*), but the people putting newspapers out do it for a living and apparently don’t give a rat’s ass about the nuts and bolts of their profession: words and their proper usage.

10.) I love eBooks. Well, except for not being able to read ’em while I’m taking a nice looooong soak. *heh*

11.) Toilet paper: whoever thought this one up should have a monument in every civilized country in the world (which, of course, excludes all Muslim countries).

12.) Don’tcha just love the REAL “Serenity Prayer”?

“Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those people I had to kill because they really ticked me off!”


13.) Who’d you vote for this week on, “So You Think You Can Dance?”?

Linked to the Thursday Thirteen Hub and Trackposted to Blog @ MoreWhat.com, The Virtuous Republic, Rosemary’s Thoughts, DeMediacratic Nation, Jeanette’s Celebrity Corner, Right Truth, Nuke’s News & Views, The Amboy Times, The Bullwinkle Blog, Pursuing Holiness, Right Celebrity, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, The World According to Carl, Planck’s Constant, Gone Hollywood, and The Yankee Sailor, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

8 Replies to “T 13, 1.38: Just Stuff”

  1. Wow, now that…is RANDOM. Like the Serenity Prayer, though. I am sorry I can’t answer your final question but I’ve never seen the show!

    I like the quote in your banner. Nice one!

  2. Betcha are right about the freon and why the squirrel stayed in the trees. I hate cell phones and have been without one for a couple of months now. People seem to think its weird I haven’t replaced my phone – but I truly hate it. You left Sheryl Crow out as an exception for being thankful for toilet paper. I can’t look at her anymore without thinking ‘one sheet’!!!

    LOVE your version of the Serenity Prayer!


  3. Damozel: Get the show on DVD when it comes out. Best show this season–the only “do not miss” show for our household. I just caught the tail end of the last season and was hooked. Me, hooked on a dance show. Freaked my (80-something-year-old mom out something fierce. *heh*).

    Happy TT yourself, Jenny.

    Beth, betcha I’m right, too. 🙂 Sheryl Crow? Haven’t given her a lot of thought since I saw she couldn’t spell her own first name. *heh*

    Beth & Damozel: Serenity Prayer: *heh* I once gave that to a retired “rocket scientist” (Army colonel–real rocket scientist, though) who’d taken up a second life as… as church administrator. He later showed it to me… taped to a writing surface he could pull out whenever he had someone in his office who fit the last statement… 🙂 One of the Good Guys.

    J. Lynne, I hear you on the compy distractions. Helps to put an eBook on other than ones primary computer, though. If you have spares, that’s the way to go–does’t take much of a computer to load an eBook in html format (my preferred format). Best thing? I can put my feet up, set the page to as high a text magnification as I desire (I use Opera–better than other browsers on that score alone) and set my mouse to “scroll” at a speed that’s comfprtable for me to read. On a nice 19″ monitor, with smoothe fonts enabled and the text set at 200% or better, I can relax and read away! And hunting for THE book I want at a bookstore or library, only to find it’s bought out or checked out, doesn’t happen. I also like the places that let me preview up to a third of a book before I buy. And, yeh, for a tightwad, ya just can’t beat the pricing: fromn $0.00 to $6 is about all I pay for eBooks. But I can’t read ’em while I’m soaking! Oh, I’ve read eBooks on my Palm while I was taking a soak, but wasn’t comfortable with that. One slip and… dead Palm.

    Suprina: “that girl that fell on her head”? You mean, “was dropped by her dance partner”? 🙂 Yeh, she’s (Sabra) one of the final four–maybe after tonight’s elimination one of the final two. I certainly think she’s the better of the two girls left on the show, but then what do I know? *heh*

    My predictions for the final 2? Too close to call. [*heh* Forgot–wishful thinking perhaps–that the finale’s tonight. :-)] Maybe Danny and Sabra, but Neil and Lacey are just as good… and Neil has the teeny-bopper vote. *heh* I would have liked to see Lauren and Pasha in the final four/two, but that’s just from my own dance-illiterate viewpoint. Until the Final six-four-whatever, the girls were so heavily outshining the guys (IMO) that I don’t see how ANY of them were eliminated. *heh* Personally, I could have enjoyed a dance-off between Lauren, Lacey and Sabra more than a dance-off between any of the “final six/final four” guys.

  4. I can’t get into ebooks. There’s too many distractions on my computer. However, I just downloaded “Marley & Me” as an audiobook onto my iPod and am trying that medium out on the commute. So far, I’m enjoying it.

  5. What a wonderful list!
    Absolutely love number 12.
    #13, I had been following it then my kids started school and my attention turned towards them…..
    Is that girl that fell and hit her head still on. I thought she was great!
    Happy TT!

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