Riddle me this

Rosemary points to an interesting development at the Public Broadcasting System:

I have news that as of August 14, 2007, the Public Broadcasting System has finally taken their claws off the documentary that was supposed to air as a special with “America at a Crossroads.” However, the Oregon Public Broadcasting is being very sneaking about this situation.

It is going to air in Arizona without any publicity, and it will be after prime time. The name of this documentary is “Islam vs. Islamists.”

(More at the link above)

All well and good if Islamics even seem to be divided, but riddle me this:

How can anyone who reveres Mohammed (pedophile, rapist, mass murderer, slaver, etc.) and seeks to emulate him differentiate themselves from Islamic terrorists except by saying, “I have not engaged in acts of mass murder, rape, pedophilia or slavery, etc. in my reverence for and discipleship in following The Butcher of Medina… yet.”?


Just asking…

4 Replies to “Riddle me this”

  1. hows this for a riddle…if they invented Math..pftt…did they
    lose count for the last 6 years or have they never heard of
    9-11?!…too little, too phoney, too late!!!

  2. Okay, okay! I know it appears this way, but he and his group have been trying to get their message out for a long time. I remember when they marched on the Capitol…in favor of our president! They outright condemn the murders WITHOUT BRINGING ISRAEL INTO THE PICTURE! God, I get so tired of that.

    BTW, he’s been around counterterrorism experts that I trust. I’m not say this: I am not saying I trust him. I am not saying he believes in god, not the God I believe in. I am saying, let’s give it a shot. They media have ignored him. I have called them to tip them off to events his organization were having. NOTHING. Why not? HE DOESN’T HATE GWB. Does that say enough about our 5 column? Hmm…

    You want a riddle? Okay, I’ll take that challenge. What’s heavy yet light, long but narrow, the best of times yet sometimes the most painful? Either email me or comment to get the answer. 🙂

  3. I thought it would be helpful to share with you some context for the series and Mr. Gaffney’s production.

    The America at a Crossroads initiative represents a major effort by CPB to fulfill its mandate to promote programs that inform, enlighten, and enrich the public dialogue about crucial public affairs issues and enhance the knowledge and citizenship of all Americans. This initiative focuses on the post-9/11 world and how it has affected the American imagination as well as our political, economic, cultural and social realities, our security and our relationship with other nations.

    “Islam vs. Islamists” was one of 21 films commissioned by CPB for public television under the America at a Crossroads. CPB, WETA and PBS have said that the film’s subject matter is important and of interest to viewers.

    “Islam vs. Islamists” is not being suppressed or silenced. It competed for, but did not win a slot in the 13-part limited series. The series offered strong entries including: Richard Perle’s “The Case for War: In Defense of Freedom,” Irshad Manji’s “Faith Without Fear,” and Karl and Ann Zinsmeister’s “Warriors.” CPB, WETA and PBS were hoping to see “Islam vs. Islamists” broadcast as a stand-alone special under the Crossroads banner (where it will join three other Crossroads films already so-designated) on public television stations across the country. The producers — Mr. Burke and Mr. Gaffney — like every other producer in the Crossroads project, have a grant agreement. Public broadcasting wanted them to fulfill their obligations under that agreement, including the delivery of a finished product that comports with the same production standards that all other Crossroads producers – and for that matter all PBS producers — must follow. Public TV recognized that Mr. Gaffney believes his film is completed. Public broadcasting officials have said that the film does not currently comply with established PBS standards. PBS and WETA have documented how those standards need to be achieved via specific edits and additions.

    This documentary has been treated no differently than any other. The only difference is that the producers wanted special treatment and felt that attempted intimidation was a better tactic.

    When CPB asked Oregon Public Broadcasting to distribute it – a not uncommon occurrence for a station to do so since each is capable of accessing the public broadcasting satellite or of contracting with one of the many public broadcasting uplinks – it demonstrated the independence of the local stations.
    Each station is independently owner and operated by a local board of trustees and makers it own decision. Even if PBS, a membership organization that acts on behalf of stations when they are asked to do so, had distributed the film, each station has to decide whether they want to broadcast it and when.

    There is no PBS network and that was designed to preserve the local control of the media.

    [N.B.–“Public broadcasting officials have said that the film does not currently comply with established PBS standards. PBS and WETA have documented how those standards need to be achieved via specific edits and additions.” Aye, and there, very likely, is the rub. What do PBS and WETA want cut and what added? Given the PBS record, anyone with more than two active brain cells has to suspect a certain slanting effect to the “specific edits and additions.” A moot point to rational folks anyway, since my question–and that of any informed, rational person– remains the same:

    How can anyone who reveres Mohammed (pedophile, rapist, mass murderer, slaver, etc.) and seeks to emulate him differentiate themselves from Islamic terrorists except by saying, “I have not engaged in acts of mass murder, rape, pedophilia or slavery, etc. in my reverence for and discipleship in following The Butcher of Medina… yet.”?


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