T-13, 1.35: Thirteen “Thangs”

Just a kinda, sorta, halfway semi-randaom list of 13 Things…

1. Cables, wires and peripherals, oh my! How do these things meet, mate and multiply so quickly?

2. 2-keyboards, 2-mice, 1-Palm cradle, one label maker, one scanner, phone headset, off-cradle phone (need to get that back in the cradle charging–been off since last night), old 5″ IBM Mini-comp fan (providing “personal airflow” for… me), desk detritus and keyboard tray “duff” composed of various pocket jetsam, file cabinet escapees, wanders-in from elsewhere, etc.

3. I love it when idiots serve up their own rewards. Like the folks who stop a full car length beyond stop bars at traffic lights hereabouts. See, darned near ALL the traffic lights here around America’s Third World Countyâ„¢ (historical note: there were no traffic lights IN America’s Third World County a decade ago) are set to stay green for the high-traffic road in an intersection and only change for the cross-street when a car sits for a predetermined amount of time on a sensor buried in the road. No car on sensor? No light change. So, I love it when I see an idiot who’s driven beyond the stop bar to stop. I just hope there’s also a LEO who needs another ticket for his quota nearby when the idiot eventually jumps the light…

4. Why is it the cats here at twc central only want to sit in my lap in two places, at similar inconvenient times? Right: when I’m typing at a computer keyboard (at any of the twc comps) or when I’m communing with my inner nature while sitting on the throne.

5. Will I ever have the 1886 Buffet clarinet I pulled from a trash bin rehabbed? Maybe. Until then, it’s a purty desktop ornament/dustcatcher.

6. I’m thinking of starting an “Office Archaeology Club” for those of us who enjoy the thrill of discovery whenever we dig down several layers and discover gems of past civilizations lurking in our offices…

7. Best fuel economy tip? Walk.

8. Speaking of which, I read somewhere recently (and lost the reference when I didn’t immediately blog it–*heh*) that human-style walking upright is 75% more efficient than chimp-style 2+2 walking. But the ultimate in efficient transport is, of course, imaginary transport. What flights of fancy have propelled the human race to heights no chimp can aspire to!

9. I just know there MUST be a use (beyond target practice or coffee cup coasters) for the 1,000s of floppy disks I have boxed, filed and strewn about. There must be.

10. Have to mow again. Can no one and nothing deliver me from this torture? (Yeh, yeh, I know: pave it.)

11. Rain, rain, go away! There is such a thing as too much green.

12. Trying out a new-to-me backup solution. Cobian Backup. We’ll see how it works. So far, not bad. It’s a Windows-only backup software, so any future networked backup solution I built with it would have to be Windows-based.

13. I need a nap. 🙂

Posted at the Thursday Thirteen Hub. Click on over there and make the rounds, wouldya?

3 Replies to “T-13, 1.35: Thirteen “Thangs””

  1. Well, urm, sure, but admitting in public that I not only have a slew of comps that’ll read all those old floppies (including those with the old Superstor compression) as well as comps that can read/write the old 5.25″ floppies I also have in abundance (should I ever again decide to power up one of those creaking machines)?

    Nah, never happen.


  2. Relative to #s 4, 10, 11, & 13. Not necessarily in order——-

    Recently I either read Dr Blalock on NewsMax OR heard Dr Rosenfeld (sp?) on FNC Sunday (he’s also the “Parade” mag medical guru) say “take a nap,” it’s better than all the currently heavily promoted BigPharm heart/BP/cholesterol drugs combined!

    Thus, I gonna continue to take naps, rather than pop their pill poison! 🙂

    CATS: Reminds me of an old Johnny Carson joke. I’m reasonably certain it was a pre-planned event. It has been attributed to several different female participants, but I think “Hanoi Jane” (aka Fonda Peters) was the culprit.

    Female comes on-stage with a kitten and sits in the chair next to JC for the “interview.” After first question or two JC is showing interest in the kitten.

    So . . . “female” asks: “Would you like to pet my pussy?”

    JC: “Sure, just get the d*mn cat out of the way!”

    In this part of the world the grass is becoming more brown than green.

    If we had an old fashioned cattle drive thru this area, the cowboys would be talking about the cattle eating hay off the stem. Ya think it may be “dry” here-bouts?

    If (& I know south central U.S. has had enough) you are gettting too much rain, talk to the rain gods & get them to move a few hundred miles east. The Carolinas & Georgia could definitely use some of what you guys have too much of at the moment.

    I have a hanging basket with a blooming plant outside my apt door. Ordinarily I would “water” it 3X per week. I’m having to give it a pint a day, every day! That’s just to keep it alive!

    Even my Wandering Jew on the backside has to be watered 3X per week. Ordinarily it only “needs” a drink on a weekly basis.

    Did I mention that it’s *DRY* here?

    This is the first summer in a long, long time when we haven’t had daily afternoon thunderstorms pass thru the area. Typically these would begin just post July 4 & continue into mid-late August. Ain’t happened so far this year!

    Makes one wonder what the winter may bring.

    Yep, have an experience with a faulty traffic light & a rookie “totally ignorant” local cop in Alababa. Just don’t wanna take the time now.

    Perhaps not in this T-13, but recently there was something ’bout vacation places. My top choice:

    Tahiti, by time machine, in the days of Flecher Christian!!!!!!!

    No taxes, plenty of fresh sun ripened fruit, beautiful “topless” women!

    What more could an old curmudgeon (rogue elephant) want???

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