My, how time flies…

…whether you’re having fun or not. Fortunately, given the way this week’s going, many of the topics I’d like to comment on in this space are being dealt with very well by those of y’all who’re linking in and tracking back. Thanks. Those linked posts are about all I’ve had time to read so far this week. Keep ’em coming in, please!

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44 Replies to “My, how time flies…”

  1. OK, Davido, my friend — I’m working on a “new” old recipe. Gotta “try” it 1 mo time, 1st! (Afore I post it to thee).

    Kinda think this comment is to deal with the “voices I hear” — similar to your stated reason for the TWC blog!

    Now, just to get things “kicked off” — how many readers / fellow bloggers will relate their exploits while dating & “french kissing” a rattlesnake? ๐Ÿ™‚

    Actually I do have a couple & I survived. Tell us ’bout your encounters, First.

  2. OOPS, I missed my FIRST intent for response.

    Did you really mean “how time flies?”

    OR, did you mean “how Fly’s time?”

  3. Pingback: CommonSenseAmerica
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  5. Pingback: Adeline and Hazel
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  9. Pingback: Planck's Constant
  10. Pingback: Right Truth
  11. Pingback: Conservative Cat
  12. Pingback: The Amboy Times

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