Building woes

Or rather, re-habbing woes. A simple lil job turned into an engineering-on-the-fly exercise in frustration, head-whacking and, finally, semi-triumph. Easy job: take the bathroom medicine cabinet that’s been attached to the wall since forever and place it in the wall. Simple, really.

I really think I ought to turn the use of my electronic studfinder over to my wife, though. It seems to go haywire when I use it (too much stud for it? [heh]) Marked out position between two studs, foolishly based on sudfinder’s report, and went to town with my drywall knife.


Oh. Well. Took the mirrored door off existing medicine chest. Cut up some 1×4 to make framing, shelves, etc. Other scrap lumber, some screws, and one saw-dusty, drywall-dusty bathroom later, a nearly finished (except for a lil trim), a functional, moderately attractive (well, what was there befoere was plain flat ugly) medicine chest (mostly) flush with the wall, ready to paint, etc.

But that darned studfinder. All those false positives whenever I let it get too close to me…

Now, back to the real finish job. As Granddaddy always said, the job’s not done til you clean up the mess.

Next, of course, finish re-finishing the walls, etc.

Blogging? I ain’t got time for no stinking blogging…

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