Japanese No Longer Miffed at the Absence of a Low-Skill Illegal Alien Workforce

While “big bidness,” elite political hacks, Mass MEdia Podpeople and the Mexican government (with the eager aid of Fifi Bush, Felipe Calderon’s lapdog) are hard at work deconstructing the rule of law in order to maintain a ricos lifestyle-enhancing labor pool of low-skill illegal aliens to drive down American wages, Japan has solved the problem with high technology:

Japanese firm exhibits droid construction worker


In a press event yesterday, the new HRP-3 Promet Mk II from Kawada Industries walked on a slippery floor, shrugged off a drenching under a shower and “used a screwdriver just as a human would.”

Clever people. No strain on social services, no housing problems, no crime boom from an illegal alien “workforce” just… work. And at about $120,000, a darned quick ROI could easily be the icing on the cake.

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