Trent Lott to “Subjects”–“STFU!”

Red State has one of the best posts/comment sections around touching on the attitude of our political “rulers'” attitudes. Up for today’s whipping: Trent Lott, whose quoted comments are translated into plain speech in this post’s title.

The attitude of the political elite is ever more divorced from the model of the Framers. As Jerry Pournelle remarked recently,

It looks very much as if both parties are now conspiracies to take control away from the American people. Who will rescue us?

With BOTH political parties determined to dictate to The People what we can say and do, and what voice we can NOT have in the political process, we must be ever more vigilant. Societies with strong democratic elements have historically looked to a “strong man” solution or to revolution when their representatives became rulers and “citizens” became subjects. Neither of those options would improve our situation much (unless this man were chosen as our emperor :-)).



Trackposted to Diary of the Mad Pigeon, Webloggin, and Right Truth, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

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