Connection Woes

Well, after a couple of particularly close lightning strikes (just a few feet north-northwest of twc central) and torrential rains and flashfloods in the area, cable is dead, and twc central is now limping along on a backup 28.8 dialup connection.

Don’t expect much until that changes. πŸ™‚

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33 Replies to “Connection Woes”

  1. Pingback: The Amboy Times
  2. Hugh… *sigh* What’m I gonna do with you? *heh*

    Yeh. I remember when a nominal “300baud” modem was da bomb, but that was just for text only email and BBS stuff, so it was just fine. Then the days of 9600bps modems, Compuserve, Delphi, the original (almost entirely) Mac-only AOL, etc., then the internet with the wonders of telnet (still useful), Archie, Veronica and all the pals of old who are long gone, now.

    Oh. Well.

    My first 28.8k modem was like having lightning in my pocket (still used a text-only browser–sometimes even a DOS-only browser!–much of gthe time in those days), then came nominal 56k modems and I was in hbog heaven… for a while.

    Lately, I’ve been getting impatient with my (usual) 3mb/s+ download speeds on my cable connection (coasting up toward 5mb/s at times). I guess it’s largely just what one becomes accustomed to, eh?

    But this (rock solid, at least) 28.8 connection is killin’ me. I find myself stuck in a RW time sink when I try doing ANYTHING on the web. And download my email? Not. A. Chance. Too darned much of it. I even have email sitting in my outbox on another computer that I either have to grab over the network (not right now, since I also–apparently–need to replace a router… have some to use, but just don’t want to mess with reconfiguring the network with different security protocols, etc. (they are all different brands, including a home-built router/firewall–I try these things out so others don’t have to *heh*) and I just don’t want to right now) or sneakernet to the one computer I find it easiest to connect via modem. Or connect an external modem to the other comp. *bleh* I hate being stuck with dialup. Sharing a 28.8 connectionis NOT going to happen here @tw, central, so Bubba (finishing up a two-hour i-net only course even though he graduated) and Wonder Woman will have to share this comp to do their coursework until our real connection’s back.

    Oh. Well.

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