Sign of the times

That the fake liberals (more properly known as genuine tyrannical reactionaries) of the contemporary left must lie about themselves, their views and their policy stances in order to be successful in politics is a given. After all, it’s just the extreme of behaviors needed by all politicians (lie to get the “job” and then lie to keep it). But the pretense defies suspension of disbelief when they begin discussing their religious “beliefs” as Democrappic presidential hopefuls did recently. As Kevin McCullough put it recently,

“Watching leading liberals openly discuss their faith is rather akin to thinking that porn stars are in some way serious thespians.”

Actually, that statement borders on slander… of porn stars. In comparison to most politicians *spit*–and most especially the fake liberals of the contemporary left–porn “actors” are shining examples of decency, honesty and propriety. Heck, compared to “it’s not amnesty, but my name isFifi‘ Bush (Felipe Calderon’s Lapdog),” porn “actors” are shining examples of decency, honesty and propriety.

Heck, give ’em all poodle cuts and change their names collectively to “Fifi“.

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