The Thinking Blogger Award

I’m soooo far behind in my reading, that I’d been nominated twice for a “Thinking Blogger Award” before I actually read one of the nominating posts.


Now, that’s something to think about.


At any rate, both Angel, of Woman Honor Thyself, and Stanford, of MoreWhat.Com have extended the honor to me. Angel, complaining that I make her head hurt *LOL* and Stanford lattering me beyond bounds with “unmistakable stand on issues with a complete absence of hype“.

Now, as I understand this particular blogosphere meme pool tag game, it goes like this:

Should you choose to participate, please make sure you pass this list of rules to the blogs you are tagging. The participation rules are simple:

1.) If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think,

2.) Link to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme,

3.) Optional: Proudly display the ‘Thinking Blogger Award’ with a link to the post that you wrote.


Thanks, Stanford and Angel! You’ve both given me much to think about, and though you both deserve tag backs with noms of your own, since you’ve both been tagged, I’ll try to go further afield with my own tags. Of course, there are many others I could tag, save that so many, like blogsis Kat or G.M. Roper, have already been tagged or like Jerry Pournelle, who began “blogging” years before there was any such thing as a blogging platform, and so still uses software that doesn’t easily deal with links in and has NO way of noticing trackbacks at all (hey! as “The Original Blog” he can do it any way he wants to, I guess. :-)). But apart from so many deserving folks already mentioned or who kinda fall between the cracks in the system, there are five notables I’d like to list:

1.) The Random Yak. Whether it’s one of the Maniyak’s biblical exegesis posts or one of Random Yak’s squint-eyed views of modern cluture or current events, there’s always something to think about there.

2.) Every post–whether by D.L., Bergbikr or The Mary Hunter–at the eponymous TMH’s Bacon Bits is worth reading and thinking about. Here’s one of D.L.’s wide-ranging Top Ten (Profound) Headlines as an example.

3.) Curt of Chaotic Synaptic Activity can bend my mind. He not only has a sharp, well-honed mind but a wealth of experience and an unique viewpoint to bring to the table, and he invariably lays out a feast for thought ranging between humorous and serious, including the major and commonplace in between. Anchors away!

4.) Layla’s started a new group blog, The Dhimmitude News Network. Strong stuff from someone who knows Islam from an unique perspective who has invited others to share in the task of unmasking the global evil that is Islam. Take for example, “Christian Jihad.” Strong! Do read it! (Note: Yes, I have an interest. I’ve contributed one post, making me about one week behind on my committments there–apologies, folks.) UPDATE: Note, folks, that DNN shares a domain with Layla’s frontline blog: The Hill Chronicles, where you can find as much thought-provoking material (like this wood-shedding of Saudi “King” Abdullah) as you want. 😉

5.) Jake, at Freedom Folks, is never at a loss for thought-provoking words, as his Jackass Quotes of the Day demonstrates.

Trackposted to Stageleft, guerrilla radio, stikNstein… has no mercy, and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

8 Replies to “The Thinking Blogger Award”

  1. David congrats and thank for the mention. I had deleted the trackback because I did not understand the meme and DNN is strictly news. LOL…now I might of gotten it at The HILL Chronicles. Go figure. Anyways–thank you for the afore mention. I do not want to run a meme on DNN–can I do it off The HILL Chronicles. I am so out of it–bogged down with news-reading-writing–sorta overwhelmed lately…

  2. Pingback: The Random Yak

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