Anyone know a secret Registry switch…

…to raise the level of difficulty in Freecell?


Yeh, yeh, I know there isn’t any such critter as a secret switch to make the Windoze Freecell harder, but it’s getting harder to maintain my interest in the game, you know? Another 10,000 games approaches…


If only the card games I’ve found for Linux weren’t so clunky…

3 Replies to “Anyone know a secret Registry switch…”

  1. *heh*

    I do freecell while on the phone, etc., as a kinda “Zen” process. It’s gotten so that I don’t think about it but just absently click-click-click while carrying on conversations. With my mouse set up to snap to the default button, I sonmetimes go through several games on autopilot…

    But yeh, it’s a measure of too much time spent on the phone (or reading something I’d rather NOT be reading *sigh* on one monitor while I click-click-click on a freecell game on the other… )

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