False Religion Untainted with Truth

Combatting false religions is a tricky task, but one false religion is both an easy target… and devilishly difficult to combat. One the one hand, it’s a phenominally easy target, because all its tenets are based on easily falsifiable lies. On the other hand, it is fiendishly hard to combat, because the Mass Media Podpeople’s Hivemind is its most ardent “believer” and because politicians *spit* are prime examples–as a class–of self-lobotomized idiots.

Of the many rational voices–and there are many–of people attempting to combat the evil (yes, “evil”–because its architects and chief priests and accolytes all know it is a lie, and the useful idiots who preach its teachings are all self-made idiots, wittingly turning a blind eye to the truth, even openly persecuting those who wish simply to discuss the facts) religion of Anthropocentric Global Warming, Orson Scott Card has done Truth a great service by succinctly summing up the case against AGW in All in a Good Cause

What matters right here and now is that it is time for the world’s scientists to apostatize from the Church of Global Warming. It is a false religion. It is based on lies, and its leading prophets know that it is because they’re the ones faking the data or stretching it to ridiculous lengths to pretend that the real world hasn’t already ruled against their claims.

Of course, real scientists are already doing all they can to right the lies of the Church of Anthropocentric Global warming, but because the reins of grant monies and publication are, for the most part, held by the cultists, real scientists are excoriated as heretics and shut out. what is needed is for those who are faking their data and cooking the books with their “experimental” procedures to repent their scientific sins and come clean with their colleagues and the world at large.

But I see a snowball’s chance in hell of that happening any time soon.

But, barring the unlikiely event of the chief priests and accolytes of the Church of Anthropocentric Global Warming repenting their many sins, it is left to those of us who see their evil for what it is to, like Card, speak the truth at every turn, to every person we can, hoping to stem their attempt to hasten the fall of night.

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