Mending Walls: Reality-Based Fantasies

One of the issues threatening our society is manifested in the “reality-based community’s” fantastic belief set and the chilling effect on rational thought that such a belief set imposes as its psychotic delusions are presented as inarguable fact.

Consider: when those who argue against the fantasies of global warmists are labeled as “global warming deniers” and are threatened, compared to Holocaust deniers, censored, etc.; when rational (let alone highly emotional, though still reasonable, rhetoric) arguments for sane immigration policy and border control are shouted down as racist or argued against with outright lies (“jobs Americans won’t do”–President Bush, et al); when the “flying Imams” claims of racism and religious oppression are even considered or given more than an inch of ink, one time, then we are in serious trouble, because all of these are examples of irrational behavior, disconnected from reality.

Can a society that is dominated by psychotics* long survive? When reality-based fantasists claim to “speak truth to power” what they are doing is attempting to impose their loss of contact with reality on others.

Reality: an order of magnitude more real scientists do NOT believe there is any compelling evidence of anthropogenic global warming. It is these people who want serious research, unhindered by AGW dogmatism, into the causes (and effects!) of climate change. IOW, real scientists haven’t stopped asking serious questions. The now infamous (should be famous, but AGW fanatics are spinning their fantasy machine overtime to carp about it) British documentary The Great Global Warming Swindle might be a good place for uninformed minds to start a search for honesty in this area.

As to sane immigration policy, well anyone not caught up in fantasyland can easily see that a country that doesn’t defend its borders is soon invaded and conquered. See some of the posts here at twc under the “Guard the Borders” topic, visit NumbersUSA or watch the Immigration Gumballs video by Roy Beck. For that matter, for those who think amnesty for illegal aliens is a way to stem the tide of hordes of alien invaders, just consider what message legalizing rape would send to potential rapists.

And for the idiocy of listening to CAIR or giving the “flying imams” claims of racial or religious oppression any consideration whatsoever, let me simply refer you to this.

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*psychosis: “a severe mental disorder, with or without organic damage, characterized by derangement of personality and loss of contact with reality and causing deterioration of normal social functioning.”

26 Replies to “Mending Walls: Reality-Based Fantasies”

  1. Pingback: The Random Yak
  2. Gotta love it when the trackback dovetails so nicely with the subject of the original post. Public education is plagued by the very same type of psychosis as characterizes the rest of the system. We’re obviously ranting along the same lines this morning. Heh. Must be something in the coffee.

  3. Pingback: Maggie's Notebook
  4. Pingback: Maggie's Notebook
  5. RY: Indeed. I felt compelled to cut off the examples with merely three, though the signs are readily observable in many areas of our society.

  6. Pingback: Faultline USA
  7. Those examples were typical and right on spot !
    I sent a few links..not sure if ya need to go fishing again..
    why am I bein spammed..argg! 🙂

  8. Pingback: Planck's Constant
  9. Pingback: 123Beta
  10. Pingback: Adam's Blog
  11. Pingback: Conservative Cat
  12. Pingback: Right Voices

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