St David’s Day

I do not observe St. Patrick’s Day. So sue me. (Good Luck!) However, I would like one and all to note that today is St. David’s Day. Dewi Sant, as he’s known in Wales, was quite a man, according to all records. Patron saint of Wales, he’s one of the few national patron saints of whom much is known, in fact.

Let me encourage you to read a bit about this guy, don a leek or a bit of parsley, hoist a Welsh dragon banner and celebrate the life of someone whom our own society’s leaders would do well to learn from, someone who had good character, instead of being a bad character as most of our political and other “leaders” (celebrities among media, for example, who function as de facto cultural leaders) seem to be.

And here’s my own lil tribute to the life of the man credited as the fist Christian missionary to Wales:

(CLICK for larger view)

Submitted this St. David’s Day, March 1, 2007 anno domini by St David the Younger (Almost. Well, close. OK, a fur piece away from… :-)).

Trackposted to Blue Star Chronicles, The Virtuous Republic, The Random Yak, and Pursuing Holiness, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

4 Replies to “St David’s Day”

  1. OMG, Davido,

    Ya puttin’ pressure on me now. Gotta git all’a this stuff together to send to my young son (David) and his two siblings. πŸ™‚ [Perhaps one of them will fwd to the egg donor/oven.]

    BTW: My David is two weeks in Indonesia. He’s a civil engineer, on his first real job as a “licensed” engineer. He’s working for an NGO and assigned to Sumatra (Banda Aceh) for 2-4 years, to build a water treatment plant as a part of the tsumani recovery.

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