The Obligation of Fidelity

You absolutely *must* go on over to the Evangelical Outpost and read what Joe has posted about pre-marital adultery

My recycling bin is a symbol of the obligation I feel I owe future generations. Unfortunately, I have no such token to give my wife that shows the obligation I owed her. Instead, I had only a string of sexual sins that showed that before we met I treated the concept of “soul mate” as a useful fiction. I offer this confession to young people who have not yet lost one of the most valuable gifts God gives man: the ability to give oneself completely to the person you love. If you want to show true love to your future spouse, then start now by keeping the Seventh Commandment.

Read the whole thing!

And, you should have bookmarked EO, and be reading every day!

(Crossposted from CatHouse Chat)

3 Replies to “The Obligation of Fidelity”

  1. Pingback: CatHouse Chat
  2. Flippant response? Yes.

    Everytime the subject of pre-marital sex comes up, I tend to remember the George Burns quip: “It’s not pre-marital if you didn’t intend to get married anyway.”

    As I recall he was in his 70s or 80s at the time.

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