Hey rube!/Tuesday OTP

Not on my own computer. Not on my own ISP. Not in America’s Third World County, even. *sigh*. No broadband, no power, can take. (Barely) No water? Survivable. No backup dialup, even? Not survivable. *heh* Yep. Lost a BUNCh of large braches off the stand of 60′ tall sycamores in the back yard testerday/last night. Took our POTS drop line with them.

I’ll be asking the folks with posting priviledges here at twc to fill in this week. Consider this an open trackback post until further notice, OK?

Be sure to check Linkfest Haven Deluxe for all the latest linkfests!

13 Replies to “Hey rube!/Tuesday OTP”

  1. Pingback: Rightwing Guy
  2. Pingback: Big Dogs Weblog
  3. Oh, yuck, David. I was thinking about you guys yesterday while I had to turn my A/C on because it was too hot – wish I could send you a little of that. Hope you get power/water/broadband back soon and stay WARM in the meantime!

  4. Pingback: Conservative Cat
  5. Pingback: Thought Alarm
  6. Pingback: Mark My Words

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