THE Iraq War Post of the Week

Laconic Blog has THE post on the Iraq War this week. Must-read. Do NOT just read the excerpt below and move along. CLICK over to the post and READ IT.

…let patriots criticize this president and his administration when decency and reason demand it; remember always, though, the shame that the Left has brought upon itself and trust them never with the security of this nation and your family.

Yeh, I added the emphasis. Go, READ.

Repeat after me:

“Liberalism* is a philosophy of consolation for Western civilization as it commits suicide.” (James Burnham)

“Liberalism* is a philosophy of consolation for Western civilization as it commits suicide.”

“Liberalism* is a philosophy of consolation for Western civilization as it commits suicide.”

*”Liberalism” I take in Burnham’s context to mean the modern leftism that rejects true classical Western liberal views that honor freedom of speech, plurality of thought (within a unity of culture) and the values individual liberty and private property. Modern “liberalism”–so-called–embraces none of those values, among other classical Western liberal values.

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