Chipping Away at the First Amendment


Will Marie “Let them eat cake” Antoinette be the next Speaker of the House?

Too late. Nancy wants to usurp Marie’s best line.*

Because Speaker Pelosi just does not like that niggling lil thing called the First Amendment.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

An oft-forgotten but very important portion of the First Amendment is bolded above. Where McCain-Feingold *spit* sought to limit freedom of (political) speech—and largely succeeded due to President Bush’s unwillingness to use the veto (he apparently wanted to play nice with congresscritters, hoping for a Supreme Court “veto”) and a Supreme Court that feels too little debt to the Constitution—Nancy Pelosi’s plan would simply excise the last clause of the First Amendment almost entirely.

Pelosi has already stated she is planning to push through major legislation during the first 100 session hours after the Democrats take control of Congress this week.

At the top of the list is seemingly good legislation intended to curb the power of lobbyists. But the Pelosi law goes far beyond bridling Washington influence peddlers. Under her proposed legislation, Pelosi will seek to control and limit any organization in America from encouraging citizens to communicate and influence Congress.

Well, from Pelosi’s standpoint, it makes perfect sense. Why subject herself to calls, emails and faxes from the little people? She–and her office–has much better things to do than to listen to “the people,” after all!

Let them eat cake.

*Yeh, I know there are many reasons why it’s a virtual impossibility that Marie Antoinette said that. But it’s a meme that’s taken hold, and so very applicable to the elitist Pelosi and her ilk that I used it anyway. Apologies to Marie, wherever she may be, for associating her with the likes of Pelosi.

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