Troubling Poll Results

The American Family Association is conducting an online poll among a self-selected population that consists of folks who consider themselves “traditional values” kinda people (whatever that means). Here are the results so far:

Islam and America Poll Results

Do you consider Islam to be a peaceful religion?
Yes 3,525 No 47,880
Do you consider Islam to be a tolerant religion?
Yes 2,011 No 49,295
Would America be a better country if it were a Muslim country?
Yes 277 No 50,991
Should America place equal emphasis on the Koran and the Bible?
Yes 1,196 No 49,955
Would it be good for America to have more Muslims in elected offices?
Yes 1,248 No 49,739
Would you vote for a Muslim for president?
Yes 1,130 No 49,916
As a general rule, are women treated better in America than in a Muslim country?
Yes 46,789 No 4,306
Is America too dependent on Muslim countries for oil?
Yes 49,125 No 1,951
Do Muslim countries do more than America to help the poor?
Yes 1,180 No 49,576

What’s so troubling about these poll results? That ANY within a self-selected population of “traditional family values” would consider Islam a “religion of peace” (MHWA), tolerant, etc. Dumbasses. To call such a view stupid is an insult to stupidity. That it can be found at all among AFA readers/adherents is a sign that the Islamic Fifth Column’s disinformation—spread by Mass Media Podpeople, politicians *spit*, Academia Nut Fruitcakes and Loony Left Moonbats—is being allowed all too free a rein in the piublic arena.

Expect a post on something like, “When is it wrong to be polite?” sometime soon as a followup to this one.


Trackposted to Rightwing Guy, Outside the Beltway, Is It Just Me?, Perri Nelson’s Website, The HILL Chronicles, The Random Yak, Wake Up America, stikNstein… has no mercy, The Pink Flamingo, Planck’s Constant, and Conservative Cat, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

8 Replies to “Troubling Poll Results”

  1. Sheesh David…that there should be even ONE not certifiably
    mentally ill person who doesnt see the darkness is
    Have the ones who think “all is well” in the Muz world answer if
    they would be willing to live in a Muz country..heh

  2. Speaking as an Evangelical Christian from the right, I’m amazed how little most people know of other religions. Islam, in its purest form, is peaceful and tolerant. The violence and intolerance you see on the news are from Muslim *fanatics,* not the general Muslim population. Christians, too, have had their share of intolerant, hostile, violent fanatics through history. You have to look only at the Inquisition or Third Reich for a couple of examples.

    The vast majority of Muslims are peaceful, friendly people that you would welcome as neighbors. Of course in Islam it’s the fanatics that make the news – communities of faithful people living out their lives in peace don’t make for interesting stories. Read the Qu’ran. Then report back to me on how much violence you find prescribed there. Get out of your sheltered communities and visit a mosque. If you live near a relatively large city, I guarantee you can find one if you look. And when you get there, you’ll find that Muslims welcome you with kindness, just as you would them if they visited your church to learn more about your faith. And to the comment above, yes, I would be willing to live in a Muslim country (at least one of those run by reasonable governments, not fanatics). In the meantime (while you read the Qu’ran and take a field trip to a Mosque), remember that “Even a fool is thought wise if he keeps silent, and discerning if he holds his tongue.” Prov. 17:28. When you talk about something you know nothing about, you make a fool of yourself.

  3. Oh my goodness. What are people thinking. Angel is right, would those stupid people LIVE in a Muslim/sharia country? I think not.

    That is why we all blog, to get the word out. If we don’t even recognize the enemy among us, we are really in trouble.

  4. Kathy,

    Speaking as an evangelical Christian (no caps on the “e”), I must say with all due respect (I restrain myself from saying, “Are you out of your freaking mind?!?!?!” with difficulty… :-)), you have no idea what you are talking about. From its inception, with Mohammed’s first “great victory” in the massacre of the Bani Qurayza Jews at what is now called Medina, Islam has always been and remains to this day a cult of torture, slavery, oppression and death, focusing on forced conversions and lieing to the “dar al harb” (“al-taqiya“–Islam’s countenance of so-called “holy lies” modeled after Mohammed’s betrayal of the surrender terms at Medina).

    With its focus on compulsion and lies, Islam is truly , at its very core, satanic.

    Any other conclusion drawn by so-called “Christians” indicates massive self-deception or monumental (and in today’s info-rich culture, deliberate and willful) ignorance.


    The only true Moslems are those who, following the words and deeds of the Butcher of Medina as dutiful disciples, either lie to non-Muslims about their intent (and about the nature of Islam) or openly practice the barbarous savagry modeled by Mohammed.

    And the rub is this: so-called “peaceful Muslims” may just be playing “go along to get along” in a society where NOT professing Islam can be hazardous, even fatal, OR they may as likely be simply practicing al-taqiya and laughing behind the gullible Westerners’ backs.

  5. David:

    You’re so funny…from a christian [lower case c] who follows the lead of a murderous ‘god’ of Israel 1Sam2:25 “the lord shall kill them’ or 1Sam15:3 “Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling” hmm god is a baby killer? say it ain’t so! So called peaceful christians, is more like it…heh

  6. Raphael,

    Thanks for your attempted play of the Moral Equivalency Game. it was definitely a lower case attempt.

    Tell me Raphael, how many tribes did Jesus order his followers to massacre? How many peoples groups and allies did he model betraying? And just where is it recorded that the founder of Christianity espoused telling lies to those who did not believe his teachings or follow his precepts. Where did the Christ who modeled the suffering servant command his disciples to force people to convert under threat of death or advocate killing those who opposed him? Where is it recorded that Jesus openly (or at all) practiced pedophilia and rape?

    *crickets chirping*

    Well, all of those things–and more as barbarous–are hallmarks of the life and teachings of Mohammed.

    If you want to try to play the moral equivalency game, Raphael, then try playing with facts, would you? It’s no fun playing with people who don’t have enough synapses available to keep their ears separated.

    (Note to self: complete the post on “When it’s wrong to be polite” a little sooner.)

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