OTA Linkfest

At twc: No post for you today… unless you create your own here with a lil trackback magic. Link to this post and trackback Friday through Sunday to create THE must-read weekend list of posts. 🙂

Otherwise, this will have to read: This Post Left Intentionally Blank

If you have a linkfest/open trackback post to promote OR if you simply want to promote a post via the linkfests/open trackback posts others are offering, GO TO LINFEST HAVEN DELUXE! Just CLICK the link above or the graphic immediately below.

Linkfest Haven, the Blogger's Oasis

All-new, thanks to The Conservative Cat.

If you want to host your own linkfests, check out the Open Trackbacks Alliance.

That’s all. Hit me with your best shot.

36 Replies to “OTA Linkfest”

  1. Pingback: Pirate's Cove
  2. Pingback: The Random Yak
  3. Pingback: Rightwing Guy
  4. Pingback: Dumb Ox News
  5. Pingback: Planck's Constant
  6. Pingback: The Cutting Edge
  7. Pingback: Stuck On Stupid
  8. Pingback: Wake up America>
  9. Pingback: Pirate's Cove
  10. Pingback: Conservative Cat
  11. Pingback: Mark My Words
  12. Pingback: Planck's Constant
  13. Pingback: Adam's Blog
  14. Pingback: Big Dogs Weblog

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