Muslim Outrage Redux *Yawn*

Muslims are outraged. Again. Yada-yada-yada.

But what, pray tell, are Muslims outraged about, now?

Oh, this time it’s something meaningful: the rights of Muslim men to rape women with impunity.

Seriously. Seems that after long and tortured negotiations with Muslim religious leaders, Pakistan had finally gotten around to passing some limp-wristed laws that put a slight crimp in Muslim men’s “rights” to rape women, a storm of protest has risen.

Par for the course. Trying to bring a sixth century barbaric culture into a sixteenth century civilized status is bound to fail, as long as that sixth century barbaric culture is Islamic. Heck, the “most advanced” “progressive” Islamic nation, Turkey, still hasn’t managed it.

No news here: as long as the followers of Islam revere and emulate the brutal savagry of the mass-murderer, lying, treacherous slaver and pedophile, the Butcher of Medina, they cannot become truly civilized.

Trackposted to Blue Star Chronicles, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

2 Replies to “Muslim Outrage Redux *Yawn*”

  1. Oh for goodness sake. Who do they think they are letting women have rights! Next thing you know, people will be expecting them to be dragged into the 17th or 18th centuries!

    There just isn’t any end to our disrepect for their disrespect for women and other cultures!

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