The Fruits of Civic Illiteracy

Earlier today, I referred to a recent survey that indicates that our colleges and universities (let alone our high schools) are turning out potential voters who are woefully illiterate in basic literacy in fundamental civics.

Here are a few of the fruits of such illiteracy:

Granted, it’s Heathrow, but with multitides of similar incidents in U.S. airports as Thousands Standing Around runs amok over culturally sub/illiterate American citizens subjects sheeple, can the U.S. be far behind>

The War on Terror claims doughnuts. Who can doubt that American sheeple, illiterate in matters of basic civics, would for the most part cave in and surrender their Krispy Kremes to airport security theater goonishness?

Bereft of even common sense and unmoored from an historical understanding of the responsibilities of individuals, is it any wonder we get headlines like this?

4 -year-old Accused of Improperly Touching Teacher

A four-year-old hugged his teachers aide and was put into in-school suspension…

Some hyper-sensitive moron interpreted that as “innapropriate sexual contact” and reported the 4-year-old for discipline. In the republic the Founders left us, the adult would be subject to ridicule and censure. In today’s America, a 4-year-old is punished.

If that’s not enough for you, just survey today’s headlines:

Airport Christmas trees removed. Airport authorities in need of civics lesson.

McKinney Introduces Bill to Impeach Bush. Cites NONE of the right reasons.

Border webcams rack up millions of hits in a month. And still no “Tea Parties” or introductions for congresscritters and the Bush administration to Dr. Tarr and Mr. Fether by the electorate as a result of political elites conspiring with a foreign government (Mexico) to aid the invasion of the U.S. they are sworn to protect and serve.

You can go on and on. Any day, every day, headlines scream: “The U.S. is peopled by an increasingly dumber and more irresponsible electorate,” because irresponsible government, harrassment of citizens and the growth of anarcho-tyranny abounds without massive public outcry.

A little civic literacy would (well, could) go a long way toward averting some of this idiocy.

Trackposted to Pirate’s Cove, Perri Nelson’s Website, Permanent Floating Ping Festival, The Bullwinkle Blog, The Random Yak, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, and bRight & Early, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

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