Considered Opinion: Nzinga’s a Dumbass Racist

Running short on time, so this is a very quick drive-by post. Dig a little on yout own for more info.

MsUnderestimated points out a Hannity/Colmes interview of Hashim Nzinga, December 6 (yesterday), where Hannity tried manfully and politely (but insistently) to get Nzinga to respond to a simple question about former North Carolina State University professor Kamau Kambon’s rant about solving the world’s problems by exterminating white people. Specifically referring to Kambon’s serious proposal to exterminate white people, Hannity asked Nzinga, “Are you going to support this?”

Nzinga refused over and over again to answer the question, instead repeatedly referring to the “fact” that ONLY white people commit mass murder, and implying again and again, in line with Kamau’s thesis, that whtes are actively seeking to exterminate blacks.

Oh, really, Mr. Dumbass Nzinga? One answer would suffice to completely invalidate both Mr. Kambon’s and Mr. Nzinga’s argument that whites and whites alone aremass murderers (especially of blacks): Rwanda. That’s right, some of the most horrendous mass murder episodess of the last few decades weren’t even committed by Saddam Hussein’s regime, as bad as those were. It was black on black mass murder, both government sanctioned democide and “revolutionary” reprisals, in Rwanda.

But that’s not all, of course. Any reasonable, moderately literate person could do a quick search and turn up

“On April 6, 1994, Hutu extremists unleashed a genocide in which perhaps 800,000 people were murdered in one hundred days.”

And how many of those 800,000 or so black Rwandans were murdered by whites, Mr. Nzinga?

*crickets chirping*

I thought so. Your assertion that whites are “the only” (as I recall your rant) mass murderers, and especially of blacks, is simply false, and making assertions based on your wilfull ignorance (anyone with more working synapses than a head of cabbage has is unaware of black on black crime in this country, ongoing tribal atrocities in Africa, etc.) is nothing but sheer racist bigotry.

Now, go away or I shall taunt you a second time.

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